Father Time

by Stratovarius

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v4.06  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:46 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Words by Kotipelto and Tolkki - Music by Tolkki

Tabbed by

Blackcrowned87 (Blackcrowned87@hotmail.com)


1st → Timo Kotipelto
2nd → Timo Tolkki (Rhythm)
3rd → Timo Tolkki (Lead)
4th → Jari Kainulainen
5th → Jens Johansson
6th → J�rg Michael

File Size

117 KB




Walk ing down the path that leads me to my me-mo-ries pac-ing all the way with-out a care in my stride where are the friends of my yes-ter-day have they moved on with their lives can we still laugh joke a-bout things like be-fore there no need to hide the past the i have left be-hind it's a good re-source some-where for me to find why am i wait-ing for some-one to reach out it should n't be all up to them keep-ing in touch ain't that eas-y but I'll have to try where have all the years gone that's what i am ask-ing now What have I learnt so far tell me Fath-er Time tell me now Now I un-der-stand I�ll take from time what I need And I store it inside it�s there for me to find I can�t de-ny that the years will pass by but it won�t both-er me now i will set out to re-al-ize my dream where have all the years gone that's what i am ask-ing now What have I learnt so far tell me Fath-er Time tell me now oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh yeah! where have all the years gone that's what i am ask-ing now What have I learnt so far tell me Fath-er time where have all the years gone that's what i am ask-ing now What have I learnt so far tell me Fath-er time